
12 August 2012

Mein Beitrag zur Wiff of Joy challege,mit einem meiner Lieblingsstempel

4 Kommentare :

  1. Oww what a cutie !! Henry looks so great on this card. Thanks for joining us at WOJ and good luck. Hope to see you again soon. HUgs, Marion

  2. Gorgeous card! I love your colour choice. Thank you so much for joining us at Whiff of Joy Challenges :o).
    Hugs, Karina

  3. Wowww lovely !! Lovely papers and lovely Henry image, thanks for joining our WOJ challenge and hope to see you again in our next challenge, Hugs, Marion

  4. Juhu ich freue mich total über eure lieben Kommentare,ganz ganz lieben Dank dafür.Ich schicke euch eine dicke Umarmung und liebe Grüße Sylvie
